The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Awakening

by Tae

Part 357: Stahl A

Stahl, I'm sorry about the other day. When I was suppose to teach you- ...Er, that song. Yes, the song you're playing... right now.

Goodness, Stahl, you're doing very well! How did you learn that?

When I saw how passionate you were about a single note, I knew I had to practice. I'm still kind of murdering it, but I think it's getting better...

I wouldn't say murder! ...Maybe more like assault.

I knew I had to work twice as hard as you if I wanted to play that duet. So I've been practicing every waking moment- even in the latrines!

Oh! Um, yes, that is... quite dedicated.

By the by, I've never heard that song played with the faster tempo you employed. I rather like it! Such a nice twist on an old classic.

Yeah, it's just an idea that struck me as I was studying the notes.

How very astute of you.

I think it was more blind luck than astuteness, but thanks.

Stahl? There are many in this camp who play the harp better than I. Why have you settled on me for this duet and concert idea?

Because you don't just play... You make the harp sing! You can do anything, Cordelia. You have a natural gift.

I wish I could be more like you!

I'm not sure that being naturally gifted at something is always a good thing.


Well, if you don't have talent, it takes a lot of time and effort to acquire a new skill. And through that process, you learn things that more naturally talented people miss. Like your discovery of the faster tempo.

Hmm... I suppose so.

And that persistence leads to you becoming just as good as anyone else. To be honest, there are times when I've thought I'd rather be more like you!

Hah! Well, we can't BOTH be right!

This isn't about right or wrong. It's just two ways of looking at the same problem. ...In any case, your practice has paid off, and I name you my equal in the harp. We should play that duet soon.

It would be my honor!